Within the next few weeks, I expect that I'll be back on iOS. It's been a while since I've used it, but I've had experience with a number of different mobile operating systems at this point:
- Android (up through 4.2)
- DangerOS
- iOS (up through 5, occasional exposure up through 7)
- Windows Phone (7)
- Windows Mobile (up through 6.5)
Up until now, I've been using Android on a Samsung Note II. Which has gone reasonably well, but a few things have caused me to give up on Android:
- Replacing the home screen with Google Now.
- My device has been relatively stable... except for the past couple of months, it's been hard-locking repeatedly. Sometimes several times a day.
- I looked at a Note II because it was an attempt at trying something different with a mobile device. Unfortunately, several of the unique aspects just haven't worked out:
- Stylus: I've barely used it.
- Screen size: Larger than most phones, but not big enough to use for couch browsing.
- Popup browser: Although active in Android 4.0, it was disabled in Android 4.2. Unfortunately, one of the things I liked.
In general, though, I've concluded that Android, at least at this point in time, isn't for me. At least some chunk of that is due to Google's business practices (Android is open... except when it's not). So back to a different walled garden for me - but at least it's one that doesn't pretend otherwise.