Knock, knock. Who's there?

Last modified by Mitchell on 2022/01/26 02:51

One of the useful things about having a directory service is the ability to authenticate users effectively, with the standard for this with networked computers being RADIUS. This can then be used by services like VPNs and wireless 802.1X. So how to set one up?

Joining the domain

First off, start off with a standard system. Then, install the packages we'll need for authenticating versus an Active Directory domain:

$ apk add krb5 samba-common-tools samba-server samba-winbind-clients

In order to hook up RADIUS to Active Directory, the system must be added to the domain. Similar to what a domain controller needs, the Kerberos configuration file must be set up:

       default_realm = <domain>
        dns_lookup_realm = false
        dns_lookup_kdc = true

Then, Samba must be set up:

  workgroup = <short domain>
   security = ADS
   realm = <domain>

  winbind refresh tickets = Yes
   vfs objects = acl_xattr
   map acl inherit = Yes
   store dos attributes = Yes

Followed by the domain join command:

$ net ads join -U administrator

Then, since we need winbind, enable it in the daemon:

daemon_list="smbd nmbd winbindd"

At this point, you can then start Samba:

$ rc-service samba start
$ rc-update add samba

To check that Samba is working correctly, you can run a quick command to verify that the system is communicating with the domain correctly:

$ ntlm_auth --request-nt-key --domain=<domain> --username=<username>
NT_STATUS_OK: The operation completed successfully. (0x0)


We need to install the FreeRADIUS packages first:

$ apk add freeradius freeradius-eap freeradius-utils

Since Alpine Linux doesn't have a lot of the more advanced protections other Linux distributions have, changing group permissions so that FreeRADIUS can access winbind's files is sufficient:

$ chgrp -R radius /var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged
$ chmod g+S /var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged

Next up, follow the standard FreeRADIUS documentation to add a client for authentication. Then is server identification. First off is generating the Diffie-Helman files:

$ cd /etc/raddb/certs
$ openssl dhparam -out dh -2 2048

To go with this file, we need an SSL server certificate for the RADIUS server to identify itself. The certificate and private key should be combined as /etc/raddb/certs/server.pem, and the CA root certificate as /etc/raddb/certs/ca.pem.

After this, the Active Directory integration. Edit the two files in /etc/raddb/sites-enabled (default and inner-tunnel), and replace every instance of -eap with eap (removing the hyphen). In addition, remove the additional hyphen in this section of the configuration:

       eap {
               ok = return
               updated = return

The EAP and MSCHAP modules then need to be adjusted:

eap {
        default_eap_type = peap
        tls-config tls-common {
                private_key_file = /etc/raddb/certs/server.pem
                certificate_file = /etc/raddb/certs/server.pem
                ca_file = /etc/raddb/certs/ca.pem
mschap {
       ntlm_auth = "/usr/bin/ntlm_auth --allow-mschapv2 --request-nt-key --username=%{mschap:User-Name} --challenge=%{%{mschap:Challenge}:-00} --nt-response=%{%{mschap:NT-Response}:-00}"

You can then enable FreeRADIUS:

$ rc-service radiusd start
$ rc-update add radiusd

And test it (although you should use a test account, or make sure to remove these lines from your shell history), being aware that your results may vary slightly:

$ radtest -t mschap <username> <password> localhost 0 <RADIUS shared secret>
Sent Access-Request Id <number> from<port> to length <number>
Received Access-Accept Id <number> from to<port> length <number>
        MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys = <hex string>
        MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy = Encryption-Allowed
        MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types = RC4-40or128-bit-Allowed

If you need to debug FreeRADIUS, it often makes more sense just to run it from the command line after shutting down the daemon:

$ rc-service radiusd stop
$ radiusd -X


If you hadn't followed this blog post for setting up your Active Directory domain and you're running Samba, you might need to follow the hint on this page and add this section to your smb.conf on your directory controllers:

       ntlm auth = mschapv2-and-ntlmv2-only